There is one man who for the past decade has set the American representative democracy back generations! That man is the Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.  In 2008 he declared that he would prevent President Obama from serving a second term and that no meaningful appointment or legislation would be passed by a Senate under his control.  For the past eight years he has controlled the Senate and recently has referred to himself as the “grim reaper”, stating that anything that is of societal benefit is dead on arrival (DOA).  Legislation proposed since January dealing with jobs, healthcare, election reform, climate change, gun control, equal wage, disaster aid, etc were DOA with McConnell. 

McConnell presently has only one objective and that is to control the federal court system by approving  conservative federal court justices to lifetime appointments.  McConnell has become eminently successful in this endeavor with over 40 appellate court appointments and two Supreme Court appointments since Trump became president.  The bottom line is that the Senate majority leader controls life and death issues as well as the direction of democracy for decades to come.  

The middle class will be heading back into the 19th century but for one possible saving grace, and that is that both the “grim reaper” and the “extremely stable genius” president are scheduled for re-election in 2020.  The people must choose whether they want the “reaper” and the “genius” to govern their democracy and be their gods of clay in the future.



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