Our governments (state & national) have been taken over by powerful, wealthy people and organizations in order to profit financially, personally, and grow their power base.  They, along with other interests seek to create political confusion and diminish the power and international standing of the United States.  While important pressing issues and meaningful future planning are put on the back burner along with constituent issues, the rule of law, oath of office and governance they are proceeding to destroy laws, rules and regulations.  Meanwhile the elected and appointed political termites and the swamp scum have been engaged in daily episodes of the Trumpian soap opera. The termites are feeding at the public trough, eating at the foundation of our democracy, stealing our money through unfair taxation, changing our laws to benefit certain industries, polluting our drinking water, contaminating the air we breath, selling off our parks and natural resources, destroying social contracts, killing our public education system, making healthcare unaffordable and permitting those in power to hold second jobs while on the public payroll.  Much of this smells like fascism, is there such a thing like a fascist termite?

There is a way to stop this nonsense and take back our Congress in one or two elections while the major parties are recovering from their daily soap opera addiction.  Voters should seriously consider voting for and electing non partisan independent candidates such that they represent and replace ten percent (10%) of the Senate and House of Representatives that are members of the party in power.  This will force either or both major parties to work with nonpartisan members in order form a coalition necessary to pass any legislation and properly conduct constitutional business.  This approach will be better representation and governance so that the major parties can correct the deficiencies and get back to properly representing the people.

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Gil Eisner 6/24/18  dollarbillbrigade.com   

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