“never let a crisis go to waste!”
In the true fashion of a wantabe political dictator “never let a crisis go to waste”. Mr. Trump’s Department of Justice is seeking emergency powers because of the crisis which would include retaining people without trial indefinitely. That is the same Department of Justice that has a case pending before the Supreme Court to revoke the health care program known as Obamacare for 20 million +/- Americans during this pandemic.
Or what about the proposal to eliminate the payroll tax which pays for Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. That would give an employee about 10% more in take home pay, that is if they had a job. But the real benefit is to the employer who would realize a 10% profit directly to their bottom line. Nice way for payback to those contributors.
Wonder why we haven’t acted sooner on stemming the virus. Just think of the savings in Social Security and Medicare/Medicaid payouts if grandma and grandpa die a little earlier. They are going to die anyhow!
One should be mindful of the games being played under the pretext of the COVID 19 crisis to undermine the Constitution and our liberties. It’s time to get rid of the “scum” in Washington. Demand voting by mail in Federal elections starting November 2020.
gileisner 3/22/20 dollarbillbrigade.com
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