Governance dementia is a term to describe a newly identified virus that causes elected officials to suffer a loss of memory with respect to sworn commitments contained in their oath of office.  Some common indicators of governance dementia are using their position for personal gain, serving special interests, making decisions against the people, playing political gamesmanship, and ignoring their oath of office.

There are several means to prevent or treat governance dementia. Some of the possible approaches include periodic cognitive reviews, ethics training, term limits, anti-corruption laws, complete transparency and deeper accountability just to mention a few. 

However, there is another approach and that is to have elected officials recite an “oath acknowledgement statement” at every gathering where the pledge of allegiance and/or a prayer is performed. This oath pledge could remind them of their oath commitment to uphold the principles of a democratic republic and good responsive governance. The oath pledge could be something like the following:

“I, [name], do solemnly swear at this assembly and before my GOD, the people of this great nation and those assembled here that I will  bear true faith and allegiance to fulfill my responsibilities sworn to in my office oath, and to be faithful to the principles of democracy, equality, liberty and freedom delineated in the Constitution and the laws of the United States.” 

Governance dementia is a serious problem that has an impact on every citizen. This oath pledge would remind officials of their commitment to uphold their oaths and the principles of democracy and responsible governance.  Those who chose not to take an oath pledge should be considered as not worthy to remain in their position.


Gil Eisner 9/18/2023

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