MODULE THREE (5/19/17)


  • FILINGS & PRIMARIES                                           8 MONTHS
  • GENERAL ELECTION                                           16 MONTHS
  • DOOMSDAY CLOCK                      2 MIN 30 SEC TO MIDNIGHT

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Let’s proceed with Module 3 of DEMOCRACY U.

First let me correct an item in MODULE 2 where I indicated there were no Congressional elections scheduled in 2017.  I stand corrected since several Cabinet appointments were drawn from the congressional ranks leaving congressional vacancies and the necessity for special elections.  Candidates for these elections have already been identified and in several cases elections have been conducted.  These elections are significant in one major aspect, they indicate the direction of public sentiments, but are not representative of the 2018 dynamics.  In another housekeeping note, the information contained in the database has been updated with A.L.E.C., Trumpcare, etc. and is current to this module.   A list of filed candidates is also posted under “2018 Congressional Candidates”.

Housekeeping items out of the way, let’s speak to the item of issues where we left off in Module 2.  Keep in mind that as we go through this material and methods they only apply to congressional candidates and elections.

One of first items that has to be defined by the party organization is a unifying motto which bring people together under a basic concept, a phrase such as “2018 DEMOCRACY IS ALIVE” or “DEMOCRACY-2018 A WORK IN PROGRESS” or “MOVE AMERICA FORWARD” states a succinct theme message in a few words, making a clear objective statement.

Assuming that the phrase is established and operative being used wherever possible to identify the candidate with the broad campaign scope message.  Candidates should then focus their campaign on no more than four major issue areas such as-


Other major issues that are called out by constituent concerns can be relegated to a subset of one of the four issues categories reflected above, e.g. “equal pay” would fall under “educating for the future”, or social security would fall under “constituent representation”, retraining under “educating for the future”, security under “constituent representation”, etc.  The objective is to focus on a few key major issues so that the public knows what the candidate is concerned about, what are the important aspects of those issues and how the candidate intents to address those issues problems.  This simple approach can’t be overemphasized. Wrong issues lose support, too many issues are confusing.  Honest and simple is a winning approach. Remember there are many legislative concerns which do not fall under the purview of congress like the death penalty, foreign policy, street repair, zoning etc so know how to handle these out of scope items and if you are not a candidate make sure you are asking the right questions that deal with relevant issues.

This is a good point to take a moment to chat about what you should be doing now.  At the present time, candidates are filing their intent to run for office in 2018 with the FEC.  With filing beginning and public demonstrations occurring it’s a ideal time to become active and make contacts in your community.  You, your family and friends should participate in organized public demonstrations, office, mail and phone contact with your elected members of congress, notifying all your social media contacts, blog, send letters to the editors of all papers you read and call in to talk radio.  You should do this not only  with your representatives but also those running for office who reflect your point of view on an issue wherever they are running.  The resource for basic candidate information is the DOLLARBILLBRIGADE.COM.  In addition to this wide spread personal direct level involvement it is important to provide the financial support suggested in the DOLLAR BILL BRIGADE.  Financial and people support in the primary is more effective than anywhere else during a campaign and has tremendous impact.  The reason for this is that primary wins are generally won with less than 5% of those eligible to vote, designate who runs in the general election as the candidate for their party.  The primary process is where we have the opportunity to play our first dirty trick.  But before we get into that we have to divide the public into two categories, those who can vote (A) and those who cannot vote (B).  Those in the “A” category are registered to vote citizens and those in “B” category are work visa holders, felons, no ID, residents of U.S. territories, and D.C. residents.

First dirty trick applies only to A category folks.  If you are not registered in the party which you desire to lose the general election, register.  Then work and vote in the primary for the least likely candidate to win in the general.  After the primary drop any support and tip any negatives to your favored candidate that you wish to win in the general.

This simple party change before the primary can bring about amazing results if you can team up with others who can work together in a collaborative nuance.  But one of the easiest ways to participate is to use the data base of the DOLLAR BILL BRIGADE.COM and fund the candidates that represent your position on the issues.  Again you must keep in mind that funding early in the primary process is the most effective contribution you can make.

Well we are at our time limit, so until the next module see you at the voting machine.






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