Insurance is an instrument by which we protect ourselves against unexpected catastrophic and chaotic events.  We insure all sort of unexpected events related to our life, health, home, auto, and to even our pets.  There is one caveat about insurance, and that is it must be acquired and activated before the event occurs.  That caveat brings us to the following situation.

Congress has allocated several hundred million dollars to insure the integrity of the 2020 general election.  Some of that funding is for prevention, hacking investigations, exposure of false information on social media , and other measures.  Further, if the election itself has been tampered with, sanctions would be instituted against any foreign perpetrators.  This post election action is equivalent to trying to implement election insurance ispo facto.  If the election process has been so severely damaged and corrupted there may be no further choice other then declaring the election uncertifiable. If such is the case, the election could be declared void.  

You can not get insurance after you die, or after your house burns down, or your car has been wrecked, why are we not taking measures to insure and safeguard our election process before the election?  What is at stake if the election should be declared invalid is our freedom, our liberty, our democracy and our republic.

There is a solution, but it must be implemented in the months ahead.  It is a short paper ballot.  It works this way…every registered voter receives a random coded identifier postcard ballot containing only those candidates running for president and congress. That random coded identifier is posted in the voter registration log and is used to identify the voter when the voter votes in person or uses their coded mail in ballot.  The in person voter proceeds to vote normally via the computer/voting machine and also turns in a completed postcard short ballot when exiting.  No need to do this on mailed in absentee ballots. Both the machine and those related paper ballots are counted.  If there is a discrepancy of .001 of 1% or greater error in the count, the short ballot count will be used to certified the vote.  That’s it, a simple election insurance to insure democracy!

If the Federal government will not pay for this insurance, I suggest a “GO FUND ME” program so that the 330 million Americans citizens can protect their liberty and democracy by making a contribution in the amount of a latte coffee.  This would amount to $4.50 x 330 million = $1,485,000,000.  America are you listening?





Questions, questions, questions….

During the past several months, over twenty Democratic presidential candidates have articulated their position on important issues such as climate change, immigration, health care, education, gun laws, choice, foreign policy and a host of other challenging subjects, but we have heard very little, if anything about the following one line issues.  

To the surviving field of candidates. As the nominee or president, how would you proceed on the following:  

  • Protect the 2020 election and results
  • Develop a true health care system
  • Revamp the Federal Justice System
  • Rebuild government institutions
  • Convene a Constitutional Convention
  • Create a national voting holiday
  • Provide affordable urban housing
  • Deal with the Electoral College
  • Cope with a majority aging population, social security & medicare
  • Deal with artificial intelligence and robotic employment impact

Candidates, please provide your answers…


GEisner 1/12/2020 Dollarbillbrigade.com



Why did the “extremely stable genius ” pull the pin on the Iran war grenade and what price will be paid for the move?  It appears that there are a multitude of personal reasons why President Trump must successfully achieve a second term.  Besides enhancing opportunities for himself and his family, a second term would eliminate criminal charges resulting from crimes committed before becoming president, and it would also permit the opportunity to change the laws on others crimes committed during the presidency.

A new approach that Trump has put into play, is that the nation cannot change the presidency during an on-going war.  It certainly appears that this a reason the Iran war grenade pin was pulled.  Additionally, although there are Articles of Impeachment pending a Senate trial, there will be no condition or situation so far where the two-thirds required Senate vote will remove Mr. Trump from office.  More likely than not on November 3rd, 2020, Mr. Trump will still be in office as the President.  During the campaign, hundreds of millions of dark money will be spent on voter targeted propaganda campaigns executed on Trump’s behalf.  These campaigns will be all over social media news outlets paid for and controlled by a foreign country, and furthered by our own homegrown fanatics and right wing propaganda outlets.

All of this is nothing more than cover for election chaos and to blow-up the election process and it’s results.  There are three ways to win an election:  Win it honestly!  Win it dishonestly!  And if you can’t win it honestly or dishonestly, blow it up!  There is an old Russian saying about elections that says, “It’s not who votes, or how they vote, it’s who counts the vote that counts”.  By the next day, November 4th, we will know how the voter registration rolls were corrupted, how widespread were inoperative and/or defective voting machines, how extensive are the counting errors, etc.  All of this so that the results of the election cannot be certified.  As a result, the decision will be to continue governance by the prior administration, who will implement martial law to provide domestic tranquility.  Today, it is far easier to destroy an election than to create a win for a specific candidate.

If the potential of this situation is acknowledged early enough, there are simple and cost effective measures that can be taken to protect the rolls, secure the vote and guarantee an accurate and honest count.





We are just months away from witnessing the possible death of democracy and the conversion of the United States into an oligarchical Banana Republic. That Banana Republic would be supported by a white, racist, nationalistic plutocracy, comprised of party politicians, religious extremists, mega corporations, the military, grifters, cheats and criminals.

This may be the only solution for President Trump who has a great deal riding on his re-election to a second term.  A second term will present added opportunities for personal and family wealth building, as well as running out the Statute of Limitations on crimes committed prior to and during his presidency under the Department of Justice’s cover of the presidency.

The President’s re-election has been placed into jeopardy because of his indictment by the House of Representatives recent Articles of Impeachment. The resultant trial before the United States Senate and removal from office would destroy the opportunity for a second term.  

But actually, Mr. Trump will remain in office whether tried or not, whether there are witnesses or not, and whether found guilty of the Articles of Impeachment.  He will not be removed from office because the constitutionally required two-thirds Senate vote for removal will not be achieved in the cult captive Senate environment controlled by a foreign influenced Senate leader, “Grimm Reaper” Moscow Mitch McConnell.  

Mr. Trump will be in office when the November 2020 election takes place and he will declare the election invalid due to voting irregularities.  Those irregularities include voter roll errors, deletions, inoperative or defective voting machines, counting errors, etc.  As a result, the election outcome will not be certifiable.  The election irregularities are the result of a foreign country’s operational attack on our election system.  Once President Trump has suspended the election results he will implement martial law, declaring the election invalid.  All incumbent elected persons will remain in their current office positions pending a determination by the government as to how and when to proceed.  

The election day chaos is actually the primary objective of a varied hacking program against our electoral process and is designed solely to create election dysfunction.  The attack plan methodology may have already been tested with positive results in a recent Pennsylvania judicial race.

The cover distraction for the 2020 election day operation will be a propaganda campaign through the foreign on line news” outlets, the right wing oriented media and their drones, fake social media and bot networking, much of which is created by a foreign adversary. Of course, their objective is to destroy election integrity in order to give Trump another four years to control and exploit opportunities while committing crimes under the cover of the Presidency.

If we do nothing, the martial law Banana Republic of the United States will be a “fait accompli”!

Of course these thoughts are hypothetical, and there should be no reason to believe voting irregularities will occur, but some of these intrusions were previewed in 2016 and there is a high probability that something of a destructive nature could happen in 2020.  

There are many ways to insure that should this incursion occur the vote can be secured, saved, and certified.  To secure the November 2020 general election roll, ballot, vote, and count, and to further guarantee certification some action like the following safeguards could be implemented:

  • Close and freeze the registration rolls 60 days prior to the election.
  • Create and assign a random SKU ID to each voter.
  • Provide the voter with a mailed short ballot* encoded with their SKU number, notifying them that they are registered and must bring the SKU ID’d short ballot with them when they vote.  When voting normally in person at the polling place they must have completed and submitted the marked short ballot in addition to their normally voted ballot.

* The Short Ballot will only have Presidential, Senatorial (if  appropriate), and House candidates listed.

Each short ballot contains the random SKU ID number of the voter and the vote for President, Senate (if appropriate), and House Member. The short ballot will be used to verify the voter, ballot and vote of each registered voter.  Normal voting devices will be used as in past elections, and the election results certified if the error rate is less than .001 of 1% between the regular ballot and the controlled short ballot.  If the difference exceeds .001 of 1%, the short ballot results will be the basis of certification.

To ensure no meddling by the administration, it is suggested this effort be privately funded through crowd funding and administered through a consortium established by the challenging candidates.




What if there was an impeachment and no one was indicted. We are presently involved in an investigation of alleged Presidential violations of the Constitution from which the House of Representatives will prepare Articles of Impeachment and those Articles will then be sent to the Senate for the purpose of trial.  If and when the Senate trial begins it could developed into a political circus with the ultimate results of no indictment.  

Such a trial in the Senate would become a platform for a political reality TV circus with the 2020 election in mind. During the trial, ring master, Moscow Mitch will oversee the three ring circus.   In Ring one, you will witness the real time flesh eating performance of the country lawyer Guiliani virus of Hunter Biden.  In Ring three, we have the Ukrainian DNC server farce executed by a 600 lb bedded hacker and narrated with a Russian voice over.  And in the center ring, we have Tzar Trump and his Kapos managing cages of willing witnesses in front of a friendly propaganda media. In addition to the ‘big top’, entertainment will be provided by side show decisions of the Department of Justice and possibly the Supreme Court.

Unlike impeachments of the past, this impeachment will result in a trial which not only places the president on trial but also our democracy, republic and the foundation of our country, the Constitution.  Trump is not only abusing his office for personal gain but also challenging our democracy, the rule of law, and the separation of powers.  The loss of liberty is too high a price to pay for this trial to fail and permit the present perpetrator and those in the future, to abuse their powers against the people and the Constitution.

To avoid an indictment failure, I propose the House of Representatives take the following action with respect to processing the developed Articles of Impeachment and to deny the Senate a political circus opportunity and exoneration of the guilty …

I recommend that the House of Representatives adopt and vote on Articles of Impeachment against President Trump.  If the Articles are approved by the House, the House should then ‘table’ any action in forwarding the Articles to the Senate.  During this “tabled” period the House continues to investigate other violations of the Constitution and examine the potential of additional Articles of Impeachment while continuing to inform the public.  The House may very well withhold submission of the Articles to the Senate until after the 2020 election.





There has been a lot of conversation about socialism.  Appropriately so, Americans will have to chose between two socialistic systems when they vote in 2020.  The choices are either Trump Socialism or the socialistic model embodied in the Constitution of the United States.

Let’s differentiate between “government” and “socialism”. Government is the societal system created for the purpose of providing  its’ members that which they cannot individually provide for themselves. Governmental systems are labeled by their operational character and societal goals.  Some typical categories are capitalism, democracy, autocracy, theology, socialism, communism, republic, dictatorship, nationalistic, fascistic, monarchy, tribal, etc.

“Socialism” is one of these political and economic governmental systems selected by leadership for their society’s operation.  Socialism, like all the other governmental systems identifies, controls and distributes assets, resources, establishes function and form, the monetary system, laws, the judiciary, and performs other collective and distributional functions that cannot be accomplished by individual members.

Whatever the level of government, complexity or operation, the purpose of government, any government, is inherently socialistic. By virtue of the very nature of government, there is not a government in existence today that is, to some degree or another, socialistic!  The difference being the method of distribution, the source of assets from the population, and who are the beneficiaries.

Republican Abraham Lincoln’s famous statement at Gettysburg, in 1863 embodied the very essence of American socialism.


In 1788 the Constitution of the United States created the plan for America’s socialism.  The preamble contains these words “We the People…, establish Justice…, insure domestic Tranquility…, provide for the common defense…promote general Welfare…” and then lays the framework of implementation and responsibilities in the Articles and Amendments of the Constitution.

For over two hundred forty years the system has worked, tempered by the conditions of the time.  In general, taxes (assets) are collected from the people by various levels of government to cover the cost of the military, safety systems, education, welfare, legislation, infrastructure, health, governance, the judiciary, transportation, etc. which are provided to and used by the general population for their benefit and welfare.

However, no person in leadership control of the United States Government ever attempted to change, interpret or ignore the Constitution’s operational statues.  Until now!

The current administration has taken an axe to the Constitution and created their own slash and burn socialistic government.  Their creed is basically “Government of the greedy and corrupt , for special interests and the selected”. There are many examples, let’s just examine one:

  • A 1.5 trillion dollar tax cut which was approved in 2017, had over 90% of the tax benefits going to the top 10% income earners and corporations. The top 10% pocketed the windfall and the corporations bought back their stock which resulted in lower taxed bonuses to management.  Some employees got a small one time bonus, most got a few dollars in tax relief.  That bonus and any small tax reduction was offset by the higher cost of goods as a result of Trump’s tariff wars.  In the meantime the yearly deficit has increased over 70%.  With this deficit and continued deficits predicted, either one of two actions will have to be taken in the near future.  Either taxes will have to be raised, or general population programs cut.  The group that will be taxed are the 90% and the only programs that fall into a funding category that can offset that deficit amount are military spending, social security, medicare/medicaid.  Those anticipating social contracted programs coverage in retirement, beware.

    This is just one example of dozens where a government has changed into a greedy oligarchy.  The administration introduces “greedy socialism” by systematically destroying the existent governmental systems and using their power base to redirect assets of the masses to enrich the selected.

    The Abe Lincoln Constitutional type of socialism,  “A GOVERNMENT OF THE PEOPLE, FOR THE PEOPLE, BY THE PEOPLE…” worked for over two hundred and forty years and is preferable model.  The choice of systems is yours to make in 2020!… Maybe!





Senate Republican Leader “Moscow Mitch”, aka “Grim Reaper McConnell” sez 370 mass shootings with 441 souls murdered and over 1500 injured so far this year, are “Democrat theatrics”!  Huh?  My question is “How many senile U.S. Senators are there?”  Answer, definitely one!


Gil Eisner 11/28/ 2019 DollarBillBrigade.com



Win the election legitimately, or

Win the election illegitimately, or

If you can’t win the election legitimately or illegitimately, corrupt the election results so that it can be declared that the election is canceled. Institute martial law, void the election results and continue governance with the pre election government.  Be prepared democracy!





The Chosen Republican Pied Piper of Washington D.C. has been hard at work clearing up the Capital Hill swamp and converting it into the Capital Hill cesspool.  After successfully accomplishing this major task Mr. Piper has proceeded to change the White House and converted it into the Capitol’s Political Whore House.  Having achieved these challenging goals, the Extremely Stable Genius Mr. Piper has moved on to more astounding feats by single handedly opening the Pandora Box of the Middle East, releasing all the evils of the contemporary world.  Piper is not alone in his provocative endeavors, he has joined his fellow Russian and Turkish autocrats to complete the modern troika of evil.  What they have achieved in less than ten days the world will have the consequences to contend with for future decades.


GEisner 10/21/2019 DOLLAR BILL BRIGADE.com



Special real estate deal available for the best corruption investigation story of the Bidens.  Available is the United States of Russia, Ukraine, China, Italy, North Korea, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Hungary.    

Interested parties contact The Trump Organization @ the White House.


Gil Eisner 10/4/2019 Dollarbillbrigade.com