A recent report to the World Economic Forum revealed that 62 individuals have wealth equal to 3,500,000,000 people, half of the world population. As the wealthiest continues to increase their wealth, the middle class continues to fall behind and the poor get poorer. The question one should ask is “who in the other half of 3.5 billion people will be in a position to continue to support the other needs of these 62?” The wealthy may be able to buy a high speed auto, a yacht, or a jet, but will the road, the harbor, or the airport be there for them?


GILEISNER 1/19/2016
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It is January and the circus has come to town! Although it’s a three ring circus the media has focused on ring number one, the presidential election. During this period that ring has been pretty much a clown show and as such the media has wrapped its’ 24 hour news cycle around it. Yes the caucuses/primaries will most likely determine which candidates will go into the party conventions with the possibility of being nominated as the party’s choice for president. (If you want the caucus/primary schedule click on the 2016 PRIMARY DATA menu item in the site.) With a wall to wall, 24 hour media focus on the presidential campaigns, the public political conversation has had the oxygen sucked out of rings two and three, the Senate and House elections.

Unfortunately, all this media narrow focus has been a distraction from the very important down ticket races, not only those of the congress but important state constitutional offices and state legislatures. Remember without an operational congress, the president is generally restricted to foreign and domestic policy, executive orders and other functions which do not require congressional action. Important functions such as budgets, legislation, and appointment confirmations are the domain of the Senate and the House. Without cooperation between the executive and legislative branches of government we are looking at continued governmental crises and grid lock for years to come. There are many factors in the next years that could be a substantial change in the nature of our democracy. One may be that the next president will be in a position to select three members of the Supreme Court and scores of District Courts justices resetting judicial interpretation.

The reason for down ticket interest is the fact that $100s’ of millions in dark money is being directed to these races and that is because those whose play the political game know where they can get the maximum bang for their politically invested buck and where the power is for their particular financial interest. You don’t have to go far to find organizations and individuals who have a state interest in redistricting, gun registration, voter rights, gaming, etc. Pay attention to the real voting record of those running for re-election or higher office as opposed to their campaign rhetoric… which many times is nothing more than a pack of lies. Cautiously examine the record of gubernatorial, secretary of state candidates, and legislators to see who have done a creditable job in representing their constituents in an honest manner. There is a state where the governor has the power to replace elected officials, that state has a self inflicted lead poison problem. Another state the PUC shut down the solar rooftop industry. In another state the legislature approved an open carry gun law, etc. These are just a few of the state down ticket dysfunctional items already implemented and there are many more waiting to be disposition by those newly elected or re-elected. Remember these people affect your day to day life, do your homework, examine the down ticket ballot like your democracy depends upon it. Because it does!

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  • Scott Walker quits running for president and returns to his job as Governor of Wisconsin!
  • Pope Frances as an American rock star!
  • President Xi of China visits the other super power!
  • Obama meets Putin!
  • Boehner resigns as Speaker of the House, and goes all the way…he resigns from Congress!  Singing!

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Perhaps the most important event to our democracy was the Boehner resignation. One observer described the 40 ultra conservative representatives as being very tribalistic and having a real problem in selecting a new Speaker.  When one of the ultra conservative members was asked if he would seek the speaker’s position he responded “No, I prefer to throw rocks from the peanut gallery!”  Members of this congressional faction are not “tribalistic”, they are “cannibalistic”! 


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gil eisner 11/6/15

The purpose of this Paradigm Paper is to evaluate what shrinking the size of government really mean in societal and fiscal terms.

The reason for this analysis is that reduction in the size of the federal government has been a long standing stated objective by sectors of the public, political parties and politicians.  The basic political assumption is that government size is a direct function of spending (the budget).

In this paper we will examine the present Federal budget and the Congressional Budget Office’s projected budget for the year 2025. We will use those two benchmark budgets to determine what spending adjustments could be made over this ten year period to effect a 20% reduction to the budget.  It is assumed that a corresponding reduction would be realized in the size of government. We have to consider the impact of those adjustments in light of population growth and their demographics.

Before using the data we need to define some budget terms. The budget can be presented in two ways, actual dollars or as a % of GROSS NATIONAL PRODUCT (GNP).  The data used in this paper is a dollar budget. Budget spending categories are set as mandatory, discretionary, and interest. Within the mandatory category are such items as Social Security, Disability Aid, Medicare, Medicaid, SNAP, Supplemental Security income, VA, Tax Credits, Unemployment Compensation, Federal & Military Retirement, etc.  The discretionary category contains defense spending and non-defense items which provide relatively low level funding for numerous support programs. See data set.

Examining the data set provides a wealth of information and in order to effect the 20% reduction in spending we have to employ a Willie Sutton approach and go “where the money is.”  But before we do that, we need to define an operational framework in which we examine where we can make cuts and the resultant impact of a 20% reduction. For example, privatizing social security and thereby taking it off budget would immediately reduce the budget 20%. That action would dramatically impact the growth period between 2015 and 2025 where Social Security is predicted to grow some 83% to 1.3 trillion $.  Remember the 1.3 trillion is the budget allocation for the year 2025. The effect of that action would impact 47 million of the 65+ population immediately and 63 million in year 2025. This obviously is not a practical approach. The following are possible suggestions for obtaining a 20% reduction in the budget:

  • Cut mandatory programs which represent more than 3% of the budget.
  • Cut discretionary programs.
  • Change recipient qualifying criteria for various programs.
  • Adjust contributions to reduce budget deficits.

Contribution adjustment does nothing to reduce the budget but merely offsets deficits.  When speaking to program cuts, we will only look at budget programs areas which represent more than 3% of the 2015 budget.  Reducing mandatory program spending without eliminating the programs would result in 37% cuts in the following:  Social Security, Disability, Medicare, Medicaid and Government Retirement Programs.  Reducing discretionary program spending only would result in a 62.7% cut in defense and non defense programs.  If you want to consider reducing both mandatory and discretionary programs to achieve the 20% cut, all programs representing over 3% of the 2015 budget would result in an “across the board” cut of 23%.  There is one other approach which is extremely complex and that is to manipulate the programs by changing the eligibility criteria, employ “means” testing, limit the scope of the programs, and/or eliminate automatic program increases.

One could conclude that in this paradigm it would appear there are only two options to affect a reduction of a 20% in the size of government and that is by cutting the government’s social contracts programs and/or reducing defense spending. Either of which would be a major problem in the context of population demographics, expected increases in life expectancy, and world conditions.  For example the current 65+ population of 47 million is anticipated to grow to over 64 million by 2025 a 34% increase. The life expectancy for a 65 year old in 2025 is approximately 20 years.  As a consequence, the high cost of social contract programs (SS, SSI, Medicare and Medicaid) will continue to grow by the aging demographics and improvements in longevity.  Defense cuts are unlikely in light of the world situation, ISIS and security.  Other discretionary budget cuts would impact the most vulnerable recipients in various aid and safety net programs.

The House and Senate propose to do just that in their Budget Committee plans for 2025, over the ten year period (2016-2025) they propose to cut some $3 trillion.  A 69% cut!

It appears that shrinking the size of the government by budget changes cannot be accomplished without substantial impact on social contract programs.


ITEM BUDGET 2015 (B$) BUDGET2025 (B$) GROWTH% 2015* 2025*
INCOME 3191 5030 57.6
EXPENDITURES 3677 6069 65
DEFICIT INCREASE 486 1038 186.3
     MANDITORY 2274 3861 69.8 61 63
     DISCRETIONARY 1175 1400 19.2 32 23
     NET INTEREST 229 808 252.8 6 13
     SOCIAL SECURITY 738 1350 82.9 20 22
     DISABILITY 145 216 49 3.9 3.5
     MEDICARE 626 1183 89 17 19.5
     MEDCAID 343 576 68 9.3 9.5
     INS SUBSIDY 51 113 121 1.4 1.7
     TAX CREDITS 87 82 -5.7 2.4 1.3
     SNAP 77 74 -0.3
     SSI 55 72 30
     UNEMPL COMP 35 60 71
     FAMILY SUPPORT 31 35 13
     CHILD NUTRITION 22 32 45
     FEDERAL RETIRE 160 214 34 4.3 3.5
     VA 92 114 24 2.5 1.9
     OTHER PROGRAMS 81 90 11 2.2 1.9
     DEFENSE 583 711 22 15.8 11.7
     NON DEFENSE 592 689 16.4 16.1 11.4

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* These entries represent the percentage of the budget for the indicated years.  In the analysis some entries were so low they would not effect the analysis and therefore were not entered.

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