The DOLLAR BILL BRIGADE provides informational spreadsheets for each house of Congress. Each spreadsheet reflects the issues, the incumbents, and what their vote was on that issue.  Only those who are running for re-election are listed and only those issues of substantive public concern are cited.

Personal information is not reflected in the data.  In the case of an open seat situation, the listing will cross reference the candidates running for the vacant seat and in the future their hypothetical vote (general election only) on that issue when available.  The spreadsheet matrix will include the contact, mailing, and contribution information regarding the primary challengers, or the incumbent’s opponent in the general election (if the incumbent survives the primary).  The matrix obviously will reflect the vote of all those incumbents running for elective office. The BRIGADE member decides which side of an issue they desire to support. The decision as to who to financially support on which side of an issue is supporting the true meaning of democracy.  The matrix will also identify the margin percentage of the total votes cast by which the incumbent won their present position. The BRIGADE concept is to support those who champion the concept of a majority democracy, as well as fight those who are it’s enemies.

Separate matrices will be constructed for the primary, general and state elections.

The lists will be structured to enable an individual to research the voting records of others who voted in the same way manner on a specific major issue.

With this information, it is intended that contributions be made directly to the incumbent or a challenger and not to the DOLLAR BILL BRIGADE.  The DOLLAR BILL BRIGADE is not an agent for those running for office.


It is intended that BRIGADE contributions will dramatically let  an incumbent know how their voting record is being audited by the people. When multiplied by tens of millions of BRIGADE contributors with similar objectives, the change message is monumental, loud and very clear. These hundreds of millions dollars create a financial consortium, enhancing the financial capability for a challenger to win an election or cause the incumbent to reconsider their position on an issue . Even if the incumbent is reelected, the sensitivity to the public’s reelection involvement, demonstrated through BRIGADE activity, can change future voting attitudes.

This simple “people” involvement is a real game changer.  People coming together on issues of common concern through the BRIGADE’s small contribution approach can speak effectively, in a language that incumbents understand will change election dynamics and outcomes.

The suggested contribution of a dollar or more makes participation in the political process simple, non-violent, affordable, effective and anonymous.  No time away from home, no time off from school or work, no transportation costs, no sleeping bag, no street demonstrations, no jail time, just a simple envelope, a stamp and a dollar bill.  This is real grassroots political power!!

Such direct dollar contributions to a campaign need not be identified by either the contributor’s name, or politics, or reported in detail by the recipient.  A direct contribution to a worthy incumbent or a challenger also eliminates the exorbitant expense associated with party/campaign overhead with some solicitation commissions running up to 12.5%.  Funds go directly where they are intended to be used and to the specific candidate selected by the contributor.

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Join the DOLLAR BILL BRIGADE by making a personal pledge to support candidates in the forthcoming elections with a commitment of $10 or more.  The price of freedom and democracy cannot be measured in dollars, but those dollars make the difference between a freedom, democracy or otherwise.


JOIN “THE DOLLAR BILL BRIGADE”-                                                                                                              “THE FUTURE BEGINS TODAY!”

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Those interested in assisting in this exciting effort can contact me at