There has been a lot of conversation about socialism in the 2020 presidential campaign. Appropriately so, Americans will have to chose between two socialistic systems when they vote in 2020. The choices are either Trump’s Republican Nationalistic Socialism or the socialistic model embodied in the Constitution of the United States.
Let’s define the basics about what is “government” and socialism. Government is the societal system created for the purpose of providing for its’ members that which they cannot individually provide for themselves. Governmental systems are categorized by their operational character and societal goals. Some typical categories are capitalism, democracy, autocracy, theology, socialism, communism, republic, dictatorship, nationalistic, monarchy, tribal, etc.
“Socialism” is one of these political and economic governmental systems selected by leadership for their society’s operation. Socialism, like all the other governmental systems identifies, controls and distributes assets, resources, establishes function and form, the monetary system, laws, the judiciary, and performs other collective and distributional functions that cannot be accomplished by individual members.
Distribution is the keystone of any established governmental system, and is normally designed for maximum public benefit. These systems range in complexity from a simple tribal order to a parliamentary structure operating in a monarchy.
Whatever the level of government, complexity or operation, the purpose of government, any government, is inherently socialistic. By virtue of the very nature of government, there is not a government in existence today that is, to some degree or another, socialistic! The difference being the method of distribution, the source of assets from the population, and who are the beneficiaries.
Even Republican Abraham Lincoln with his famous statement at Gettysburg, in 1863 embodied the very essence of American socialism.
In 1788 the Constitution of the United States created the plan for America’s socialism. The preamble contains these words “We the People…, establish Justice…, insure domestic Tranquility…, provide for the common defense…promote general Welfare…” and then lays the framework of implementation and responsibilities in the Articles and Amendments of the Constitution.
For over two hundred forty years the system has worked, tempered by the conditions of the time frame. In general, taxes (assets) are collected from the people by various levels of government to cover the cost of the military, safety systems, education, welfare, legislation, infrastructure, health, governance, the judiciary, transportation, etc. which are provided to and used by the general population for their benefit and welfare .
However, no person in leadership control of the U.S. Government ever attempted to change, interpret or ignore the Constitution’s operational statues for personal benefit until now. No leader has claimed to be above the law stating “the rule of law” does not apply to them and they are not bound to any governing philosophy except that which they define. Until now!
Donald Trump and his Republican party have taken an axe to the Constitution and created their own slash and burn socialistic government. Their creed is basically “Government of nationalistic white racists, by the greedy and corrupt , for special interests and the rich”. Let’s examine some examples:
- Lobbyists or persons with specific interests were appointed to Cabinet or Department positions, so that they may be able to influence/change the regulations and/or contracts relative to the industry/company that they were involved with prior to becoming a administration member. In some cases they have been known to receive some outside “under the table” re-numeration.
- Sale of U.S. military equipment or nuclear information/material to a country for personal or family member(s) gain.
- Ex cabinet members becoming board members of entities that sought and successfully received government contracts.
- Opening public lands for energy company exploration.
- Unqualified persons influencing government functions. Like the “three guys from Mar-a-Logo”, who never served a day in the military, advising on how to run the Department of Veterans Affairs.
- Permitting operators of nuclear reactors to self inspect and report less frequently.
- Reduce power plant fossil fuel emission requirements in order to permit the continued use of coal.
- EPA rejecting a claim of a pesticide being linked to brain damage.
- Twenty eight billion taxpayer dollars redirected to aid farmers for losses due to Trump’s tariff war.
- Court approval of the administration’s junk health insurance plan to substitute for the Affordable Care Act’s comprehensive insurance.
- Hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars going onto Trump’s profit line every time the administration visits a Trump property.
Perhaps the most egregious example of the Administration’s form of socialism is The Tax Cut and Jobs Act of 2017.
- A 1.5 trillion dollar tax cut which was approved in 2017, had over 90% of the tax benefits going to the top 10% income earners and corporations. The top 10% pocketed the windfall and the corporations bought back their stock which resulted in lower taxed bonuses to management. Some employees got a small one time bonus, most got a few dollars in tax relief. That bonus and any small tax reduction was offset by the higher cost of goods as a result of Trump’s tariff wars. In the meantime the yearly deficit has increased over 50%. With this deficit and continued deficits predicted, either one of two actions will have to be taken in the near future. Either taxes will have to be raised, or programs cut. The group that will be taxed is the 90% and the only programs that fall into a funding category that can offset that deficit amount are military spending, social security, and medicare/medicaid. Those anticipating social program coverage in retirement, beware.
These are but a few examples of a government seeking to change into a greedy oligarchy. The Trump/Republican administration represents the introduction of greed socialism by systematically destroying the existent governmental systems and using their power base and the redirected assets of the masses to enrich the selected.
The intent of this paper was to provided an insight into government, socialism, and what the trend and choices will be for the 2020 election.
The Abe Lincoln Constitutional type of socialism, “A GOVERNMENT OF THE PEOPLE, FOR THE PEOPLE, BY THE PEOPLE…” worked for over two hundred and forty years and is by far preferable. The choice is yours!… Maybe!