Are our governments responsible for involuntary manslaughter? That depends upon your interpretation of “anticipated or unanticipated” consequences.

Recently a Floridian died of heart disease.  Her name Charlene Dill, 32 and the single parent of three young children.  She died because she worked three jobs and made $11,000.00 last year, enough money to fall into the “Medicaid expansion gap.”  She was just one of the millions of working poor who could not afford insurance, and because of various governmental actions was unable to afford medication and medical management.  The underlying cause of her death is that some States chose not to participate in the expanded Medicaid coverage under the Affordable Care Act (ACA) which prevented her from obtaining medical coverage. Only 26 states have Medicaid expansion under ACA and Charlene would most likely be alive today if Florida was one of those states.

Let me explain the government’s mea culpa.  When Congress passed the ACA, it required States to expand Medicaid to cover all the working poor like Charlene.  The cost of this expanded Medicaid coverage would be funded entirely by the federal government for three years and 90% thereafter.  The legality of the ACA was challenged by some States and ultimately heard before the Supreme Court.  The Court determined that States could opt out of ACA and the Medicaid expansion, which many States did.  This “opted out” action is costing those States tens of billions of federal assistant dollars and denying health care coverage to millions of constituents. The rejective action of Governors and/or legislators has also had a negative impact on those States economy.  In the case of Florida, it is estimated that over a 1000 people will needlessly die each year because of the Medicaid expansion gap and a loss of tens of billions of dollars to the State’s economy. 

You might ask who shares the mea culpa: the members of Congress who voted against the ACA, the States who brought the ACA before the Supreme Court, the Court itself in its’ 5-4 decision, the Governors and/or legislators who opted out of the Medicaid expansion, or all of the above!   

Of course the story doesn’t end there, now that Charlene is gone, her children will receive Aid to Dependent Children for many years to come and the question is how many more children will be put on the Aid to Dependent Children roll for government’s mea culpa!

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You can find out which States did not participated in the Medicaid expansion at the

*  “MEA CULPA” is Latin for “through my fault” as in the Catholic Mass Confessional “mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa” or if you prefer the older Yom Kippur prayers “Avinu Malkeinu and Viduy”.



Believe it or not the Czars of Democracy are not the President, Members of Congress, gilzillionaires or lobbyists. No, the Czars are two state elected officers. They hold within their hands the very essence of democracy, our voting rights and our freedoms. These Czars are the Governor and the Secretary of State. Their legislative powers and election functions reach into the soul of the Constitution and are the essence of our Republic.

The Governor generally approves or has influence over the redistricting process along with the power of the VETO. The Secretary of State generally dictates and controls the election process within the state. In some states (Alaska, Hawaii and Utah) this election responsibility is vested with the Lt. Governor.

Equally important to the congressional elections this year and for years to come are the gubernatorial elections. These Czars will determine who will be able to vote, if the rule of “one person, one vote” prevails, or if a small percentage of the voters will control our governments through gerrymandered districts for the next sixteen years.

There are 36 gubernatorial and three territorial elections this year. The political powers and special interests believe the people are as dumb as rocks. Only you can prove to them that they are wrong!!!

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First they took over the courts, and I did nothing.

      Then they took over the primary elections,
             and I did not vote.

      Then they gerrymandered (redistricted) the state
             and I did not speak up.

      Then they reinterpreted existing laws,
             and I did not speak up.

       Then they changed the voting ID requirements,
             and I had ID.

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       Then they reduced the times I could vote,
             and I could not vote.

       Then they reduced the number of polling places,
             and there was no place for me to vote.

       And then, there were only politicians and the
             privilege who could vote!!!

        ‘With apologies to Pastor Martin Niemoller  (dec)’



This post from time to time will share with you those members of Congress who have earned an honorary ‘hypocrite’ membership in the Sorry Party of Congress.

For example, Congressman Paul Ryan who currently and over the years proposed and passed several Congressional budgets which decimated safety net programs like social security and medicare.  The irony is that Congressman Ryan himself and his family were the recipients of survivor’s benefits and aid to dependent children provided by social security.  Currently members of his family are recipients of medicare benefits.  How short a memory some aid recipients have!

Congress likes to create crisis from solvable problems and in doing so, provides political theater and currency. Frequently there are simple solutions, such as in the case of social security solvency, it can be resolved by changing the current contribution cap of $114,000 to $250,000 and increasing the contribution percentage by 1% over time. Solving medicare can be achieved by instituting a single payer program and lowering the eligibility age in five year increments over time.  A healthier public lowers health care cost.

Other candidates for the Congressional Sorry Party are Representatives Fincher (TN), LaMalfa (CA), and Noem (SD) who voted to cut food programs for kids, seniors and low income households in the farm bill (HR 2642) while adding a 62% insurance subsidy to their farming windfalls since 1995 of over $4.5, $1.7 and $.5 million, respectively. Of course they are not alone, there are over 15 members of Congress who have benefitted over the years from the subsidies contained in the farm bills.

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There is another simple solution for transparency.  Every Member of Congress, personally, by family,or through an entity in which they have an interest becomes a beneficiary of the legislation they are voting upon, must declare they are a “benefit recipient”.  Current legislation does not contain any disclosure or transparency information.


On April 1st, the Budget Committee of the House of Representatives released its proposed budget for fiscal year 2015 referred to as the “Paul Ryan” budget.  This is a piece of political fiction which would appear more appropriately as an April fool joke than a serious proposed legislative effort to manage the fiscal affairs of this country.

This budget is an insult to the intelligence of the people of this country and an embarrassment to the people who elected the representatives serving as members of the House Budget Committee, and who voted for this budget. It is a plan to destroy the economic well-being of our country and will create a neo-serfdom.

It matters not which party you belong to, or even if you vote, this budget proposal would affect every man, woman and child in this country. The budget proposal cuts trillions of dollars from federal funding, decimating programs like the Affordable Care Act, Medicare, Medicaid, food aid, EPA, education, medical research, public works and who knows what else. This is being done in order to lower the tax rate of the highest income earners and corporations by 40%, and to increase, by half a trillion dollars, the defense budget.

If I, in my professional career ever prepared and submitted such a nonsensical document, I would have been fired on the spot!

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The will provide information as to which House members voted and how they voted on this farcical budget.